African Sun

Human Development

African Sun Limited 

  • Continues to sponsor Julie Tungamirai, a Tennis player who ranks 6th in Zimbabwe.

Troutbeck Resort 

  • Refurbished Neonatal intensive care unit at Nyanga Hospital, installation of a new ceiling, electricals, furniture, fittings, repairs and painting.
  • Refurbishment of Ziko Village Community Hall preschool using old hotel tiles removed during refurbishment last year.
  • Skills training coordinated for underprivileged communities (Housekeeping and FnB trainees attached to the hotel)

Holiday Inn Bulawayo 

  • Blood donation by hotel staff to equip local hospitals with sufficient blood banks.
  • Linen donation to Sandra Jones Centre for sexually abused girls and Mpilo Hospital.
  • Mpilo Hospital Ward B7 rehabilitation, scope of work included painting, plumbing, enamelling of basins, urinary, replacement of taps, toilet sets including cisterns, window repairs, kitchenette cupboards, electrical sockets, lighting and locks installations.

Holiday Inn Harare 

  • Donation of food and drinks to the Cancer Association of Zimbabwe.
  • Linen donation to SOS Children’s Village.
  • Harare Hospital Ward C3 rehabilitation, scope of work included tiling, window glazing, plumbing, painting, installation of hand basins, curtain rails and curtaining.

Great Zimbabwe

  • Funding school fees and stationery at Nemamwa primary school 
  • 6 students at Chirichoga High School students from disadvantaged communities.
  • Nemamwa clinic monthly maintenance donation.

Holiday Inn Mutare 

  • Donated water and drinks to Gimboki clinic fundraising and ZCTU Workers Day Commemoration events.
  • Donated accommodation vouchers to AU, Marymount Teacher’s College and Mutare Polytechnic graduation ceremonies for the best-graduating students.
  • Hospital linen donation to Mt. Selinda Hospital.

Caribbea Bay

  • Funding school fees at Nyanhewe Primary School and Nyamhunga High School 



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